Welcome spam commenters

Within a day of first setting up WP I had 26 registrations and was very surprised. Why? What are they doing?

So that was a day ago and now I have learned about bots that throw comments on your posts (need to be registered) for all the reasons spam bots exist. There are also misinformed people who comment everywhere they can; thinking that may help their position in the grand scheme of the big world wide web (special commercial version -2.0).

This morning I have 300+ registrations, like a celebrity in micro-scale. And I have changed things. I still want anyone to be able to register and comment but, by necessity, I added protection. There are actually people out there that have lists of spammers – their web addresses, email names, bot IDs, etc. like the windows host file lists from another time long ago.

Amazing. T’internet as it was designed: collaboration, connection, sharing, just because we can.

So I have put a line in the sand; Saturday morning 303 users and if it grows too much more by Sunday morning I will make my second run at hardening my vanity blog site.

I get off work in an hour and the tennis championships are being played (yea, goodie) and after that is the Saturday Farmer’s Market. With a mild summer day in the San Francisco Bay it is hard to get nay better than that. Job done.

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